How Long Does It Take to Sell a Business?

How Long Does It Take to Sell a Business?

Homebuyers are familiar with the mantra—location, location, location. Well for a business owner looking to sell their business, there’s an equally important phrase to remember—timing, timing, timing. But if you are looking into selling your business, what does that mean for you? And exactly how long will the process take? This graph represents the average number of months to

How Inflation Impacts the Sale of your Small Business in DFW Central

How Inflation Impacts the Sale of your Small Business in DFW Central

 From the pandemic’s supply chain issues to the current worries over rising inflation, many small businesses have been struggling to adapt to the sudden shifts of today’s economy. With inflation in June hitting 9.1%, more than the Dow Jones estimate of 8.8% for the month, more and more businesses are worrying about how exactly inflation has and will impact their business, and if n

Thinking of Selling Your Beauty or Personal Care Business in DFW Central? What You Need to Know in 2022

Thinking of Selling Your Beauty or Personal Care Business in DFW Central? What You Need to Know in 2022

Time and time again, the beauty and personal care industry has proven to be resilient during challenging times by adapting and changing to their audience. The world has reopened, and beauty-based companies continue to rebound, so you may be asking—is now a good time to sell? Selling a beauty or personal care business in DFW Central is not very different than selling any type of busines

Thinking of Selling Your Construction Business in DFW Central? What You Need to Know in 2022

Thinking of Selling Your Construction Business in DFW Central? What You Need to Know in 2022

After a bit of a tough turn during the pandemic, the construction industry has come roaring back to life. Demand is growing, with an increase of almost 9% anticipated for 2022 for this industry segment within the U.S. market. While supply chain disruptions and shortages of skilled workers may be continuing to cause hiccups for some, the overall outlook is very positive, particularly in terms of i

Selling Your Medical Business or Practice| Transworld DFW Central

Selling Your Medical Business or Practice| Transworld DFW Central

Thinking of Selling Your Health Care Business or Practice in DFW Central? What You Need to Know in 2022. Health care is an industry that is constantly growing and evolving as new technologies and discoveries change treatments and care. This reality is truer than ever as the world has seen during the recent COVID-19 health care crisis. If you are looking to sell your health care business, the con

Selling Your Cleaning Business | Transworld DFW Central

Selling Your Cleaning Business | Transworld DFW Central

Thinking of Selling Your Cleaning Service in DFW Central? What You Need to Know in 2022 Americans started 2021 by cleaning house—literally. The COVID-19 pandemic kick-started worldwide hygiene awareness and majorly boosted demand for cleaning businesses. It wasn’t just about safety—it was about peace of mind. Residential cleaners, maids, janitors, and other sanitation profession

Selling Your Restaurant | Transworld DFW Central

Selling Your Restaurant | Transworld DFW Central

Thinking of Selling Your Restaurant? What You Need to Know in 2022 If you’ve been following the news over the last few years, you know that business sales are up—way up—for certain industries, including restaurants. And if you’re like many restaurant owners, you’ve been thinking about selling your business, too. It’s easy to see why. Record-setting sales (both

How Quickly Can I (or Should I) Sell My Business in DFW Central?

How Quickly Can I (or Should I) Sell My Business in DFW Central?

In a perfect world, every entrepreneur would have ample time to prepare their business for sale. It’s a long, often complex process the demands our full attention—and ideally, assistance from professional brokers. After all, there are many, many factors to consider: Why am I selling? Is the market ideal? Do I have my legal and financial ducks in a row? (And more.) That being said, the

Business Trends to Look Out for in 2022 | Transworld - Dallas Fort Worth Central

Business Trends to Look Out for in 2022 | Transworld - Dallas Fort Worth Central

Business Trends to Look Out for in Dallas Fort Worth Central in 2022   Thinking of selling your business in 2022? Give yourself an edge—read up on what we learned in 2021. 2021 was a year of unpredictable firsts for business owners and entrepreneurs. Nothing we learned in 2020 could have prepared America for pandemic shutdowns. Many small operations had to quickly pivot, improvise, a

How to Identify Trustworthy Buyers | Transworld - Dallas Downtown

How to Identify Trustworthy Buyers | Transworld - Dallas Downtown

For many entrepreneurs, selling a business is about more than money—it’s about passing down a legacy. After years of hard work, it’s only natural to want to see your creation in the hands of someone who shares your passion. However, finding that perfect “someone” can be a challenge. Not everyone that can buy your business should buy your business. As veteran brokers,

Six Ways to Improve Your Business's Value in Dallas Downtown

Six Ways to Improve Your Business's Value in Dallas Downtown

Six Ways to Improve Your Dallas Business’s Value Preparing to sell your business? You could be leaving money on the table. Your business’s value depends on many different variables: revenue, profitability, market conditions, and more. But valuation is not set in stone. Depending on your situation, there may be several things you can do to raise your business’s value prior to se

Fees and Expenses to Expect When Selling a Business in Dallas Downtown

Fees and Expenses to Expect When Selling a Business in Dallas Downtown

When you sell your business, you expect to make money—not spend it. But as the saying goes, you have to spend money to make money. The question is, how much? The answer isn’t always clear. However, most brokers agree that a certain amount of due diligence is necessary when preparing a business for sale. That means retaining qualified professionals to look over your books, guide you th

Pros and Cons of Selling Your Business without a Broker in Dallas Downtown

Pros and Cons of Selling Your Business without a Broker in Dallas Downtown

Are you ready to sell your business, but still on the fence about using a broker? You’re not alone. Many business owners, especially first-time sellers, feel compelled to DIY the process, thinking it will save them time and money. Selling your business can be a long process with many tedious steps.  An experienced business brokerage (plus the valuable resources they bring to the table)

How to Find the Right Buyer When Selling Your Small Business

How to Find the Right Buyer When Selling Your Small Business

Finding the right buyer for your business goes beyond getting the highest offer possible. As a seller in Dallas Downtown, you're looking for the most qualified buyer that best aligns with your values. After years of building your business, it’s natural to want a big payoff. But there are other factors, like preserving your legacy or maintaining the integrity of your company, that matter too

3 Questions You Should Ask Before Hiring a Business Sale Broker

3 Questions You Should Ask Before Hiring a Business Sale Broker

If you decided to sell your business in Dallas Downtown, you now have two options: Do-It-Yourself or work with a business broker. In today’s climate, it takes a lot more than just sticking a for-sale sign in your window. The truth is, as a business owner, your time is better spent running your company; not dealing with prospects or negotiating deals. Hiring a broker may be your ideal optio

How to Sell your Business in Dallas Downtown in 2021

How to Sell your Business in Dallas Downtown in 2021

Over the past year, many owners have been working hard to keep their businesses afloat. At times, having to reinvent or resize their company to stay competitive amidst the pandemic.   Now, as things are turning around, you may be asking yourself, Should I sell my business?   As valuations continue to go up, and buyers remain eager to spend their money, it’s prompting to be a

Increasing Business Value: Your People

Increasing Business Value: Your People

You’ve heard the term working on the business versus working in the business, or, said another way, moving into a business owner role versus a business operator role. The business operator handles all the day-to-day operations, while the business owner works outside of the business by focusing on its growth and vision.     To increase the multiple of your business sale from a qu

Selling a Business - How to Avoid Deal Killers

Selling a Business - How to Avoid Deal Killers

Selling a Business: Deal Killers   You found a buyer for your business, they make a great offer, you accept, and everything should be smooth sailing after this, right? Many times, that is the case, but often sellers run into the dreaded “deal killer” before the sale can close.     So, what is a Deal Killer?   Due diligence is essentially a type of inspection

2020 Market Report

2020 Market Report

Curious about the current business maker? Read below to learn what happened in 2020 and what we can expect in the future.     Key takeaways of the 2020 market data: The federal stimulus packages offering reduced loan fees and coverage of certain payments continue to increase the demand of businesses for sale, both by buyers and lenders.  Many business owners waited out 2020 i

How Small Businesses Are Valued

How Small Businesses Are Valued

Almost every business owner ponders at some time: what is my business worth? And you may think the formula and the answer is fairly simple, but unfortunately, that Is not always the case, whether the valuation is in preparation to sell the business, raise capital, or just because you are curious. Depending on the purpose of the valuation, businesses are valued in different ways. These differ

An Explanation of How Businesses are Sold

An Explanation of How Businesses are Sold

When I tell people what I do, most have never heard of a business broker. And I'll explain the profession as a 'realtor for businesses.' Which usually gets me a  slight nod of understanding. But it's still not enough. Small business sales represent a large part of our local economies. Thousands of businesses are sold across the United States each year for totals in the hundreds of millions, i