The Location of Your Business Contributes to Its Success

indiana clock

Regardless of whether a business is onsite, remote, or a combination of the two - with a 90% failure rate for startups, it’s easy to understand why people are hesitant to start their own business. Even with a shockingly high failure rate, entrepreneurship is alive and well in Indiana and other parts of the nation. When considering the type of business you want to start, recognize the benefit

Strategies for Adding Value to Small Companies Over Time

Strategies for Adding Value to Small Companies Over Time

Now more than ever, we want to figure out how to make our businesses more valuable. With small businesses being affected the most during the COVID-19 crisis, strategies for adding value are vital, and also very possible. Let’s take a look at some changes you can make to increase value in your small company long-term. Instant Gratification: Faster Service & Faster Delivery In the age of

Five Reasons Business Brokers Improve Closing Rates

Five Reasons Business Brokers Improve Closing Rates

Hiring a business broker may seem complicated and an unnecessary expense to someone who is trying to save money and simplify the sale of their business. Why add more to your long list of to-dos when you have enough going on? Well, the thing is, a business broker is so much more than just an extra set of hands. Studies have shown that working with a broker increases your chances of selling your bus

Steps to Sell Your Business for The Best Price

Steps to Sell Your Business for The Best Price

Are you ready to take the next steps in your career? Are you hoping to sell your business but unsure of where to begin? Follow these simple steps for selling your business for the best price and wherever you need an extra hand, we recommend you reach out to an experienced business broker for guidance.  1.      Business Valuation A business valuation is always the fi

How to Prepare Your Business for a Post-COVID-19 Sale

How to Prepare Your Business for a Post-COVID-19 Sale

Did you think we would still be discussing COVID-19 this summer? Some of you knew we’d be in this for a long time, others may have believed the world would normalize by May. Whichever may be the case for you, this pandemic is still very real within our borders and it is affecting our lives and businesses. You don’t need to put on hold all of your plans. Interestingly enough, business s

Factors to Consider When Transferring Your Business to a Family Member

Factors to Consider When Transferring Your Business to a Family Member

The day will come when you may have to walk away from your business and begin a new chapter of your life. Quite often, businesses are transferred from one family member to another – many times from parent to child. If you have reached that well-deserved retirement, here are factors to consider when transferring your business to a family member.            1. G

Embracing Technology to Boost Your Business

 Embracing Technology to Boost Your Business

As the owner of any size business – growth is what motivates every financial and marketing decision. Not only is this completely normal, but it is also encouraged. New generations have different interests. What motivates consumers to invest their money is often influenced by the current economic or political climate. For instance, Generation Z is much more concerned about making eco-consciou

Pre-Sale Checklist for Selling Your Business

Pre-Sale Checklist for Selling Your Business

Be ready this year! View our Pre-Sale Checklist for Selling Your Business Starting fresh in the first quarter is always a perfect time to plan for the coming year. As a small business owner, you might be thinking about selling your business. Whether the reason is early retirement or the desire to invest in a new endeavor, there are definite steps you can take to prepare your business for sale. Co

Closing the Deal: Understanding What to Expect

Closing the Deal: Understanding What to Expect

The road to reach closing is a long and tedious one. As a seller, working with your broker, you have already gone through business pricing, organizing financial documents, and working on the offering package. After all of that, there is still the process of meeting and negotiating with potential buyers with your broker until you have found the right one. Likewise, as a buyer, you have had to work

Business Sales are on the Rise - What to Expect in the New Year

Business Sales are on the Rise - What to Expect in the New Year

In order to predict business trends in 2020, one must reflect on the previous year. As we enter into the first months of this new year, let’s take a look at some of the fastest-growing new industries in the United States.  Wind Turbine Installation  Automated Guided Vehicle Manufacturing  Solar Power  Social Networking Platforms  Telehealth Services Peer-to-

Leverage the Linkedin Network to Help Sell Your Business

Leverage the Linkedin Network to Help Sell Your Business

Your business's social media presence, particularly on LinkedIn, can make your business more attractive to potential buyers through goodwill and branding. We live in the digital age – the era of the Internet and social media. It is rarer now to find a restaurant without Wi-Fi than ones with it. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that businesses are only encouraged to have a social medi

Is the Cannabis Industry Worth Investing In?

Is the Cannabis Industry Worth Investing In?

Cannabis is an industry that has been relevant for many years but had a generalized focus on medicine. Today, it has been more and more accepted for recreational use. That said, there are two components of the plant that have very different effects on humans - THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). These two components make up two different aspects of the cannabis industry - from recrea