![Leverage the Linkedin Network to Help Sell Your Business](https://ufg-heroku.s3.amazonaws.com/tbausa/prod/public/Transworldleverage-linkedin.jpg)
Your business's social media presence, particularly on LinkedIn, can make your business more attractive to potential buyers through goodwill and branding. We live in the digital age – the era of the Internet and social media. It is rarer now to find a restaurant without Wi-Fi than ones with it. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that businesses are only encouraged to have a social media presence.
That said, social media should not be feared. It is an excellent opportunity to reach large communities of potential buyers. Not only is it a platform to showcase your latest products and services but it is also an opportunity to engage with current and new customers, alike. Through the comments sections of posts, customers often organically share their admiration for your company, which is excellent, earned (and not bought) goodwill. Let’s face it – reviews matter, and today, those reviews can live on your profiles, especially LinkedIn adding to the value of your business profile.
How Can LinkedIn Help You Sell Your Business?
For one, make sure your LinkedIn profile is client-facing. What does that mean? In essence, your profile does not need to serve as a business biography – something cold and unrelatable. Instead, it can serve as a place to share your unique story and how your products and services best benefit your consumers. By doing this, you are demonstrating a unique perspective for potential buyers. Through this platform, they can see how you market yourself and how the public responds to it. Intangible assets are invaluable, but also difficult to present. This is one way to simplify that.
LinkedIn is more than just a platform for job seekers, it is a great space for businesses to put their best foot forward. An engaging profile does just that – it shows you understand how to be relatable and offer expertise. This is not lost on potential buyers, who might wish to vet your online presence before making an offer.
When in doubt, seek the guidance of a trained business broker. They understand how a business should market itself and how to filter out the noise. The right buyer just might be one connection or direct message away. Contact your local Transworld Business Advisors office to get the ball rolling today!