Three Small Business Ownership Myths Debunked

Three Small Business Ownership Myths Debunked

As business brokers, we often hear that people's dreams are to be their own boss. Making money doing something you love and grow through your own efforts is one of the most common desires of someone purusing the entrepreneurial dream.Here’s the thing—many people are too afraid to pursue business ownership because they have have misconceptions about what actually goes into owning a succ

How to Land a Side-Hustle that Pays

How to Land a Side-Hustle that Pays

This blog post comes from our monthly email that goes out to our clients. If you would like to be added to our email list, click HERE. A few years ago, the IRS released data stating that the average millionaire had not just one source of income, but seven. There’s been some buzz since then about the types of income that can increase your overall wealth. One of these channels is ow

Small Business Emergency Plan - BRIDGE Plan

Small Business Emergency Plan - BRIDGE Plan

In such a singular moment in our global history, our thoughts continue to dwell on our fellow small business owners. As an entrepreneur, nimbleness and perseverance is in your DNA! We will be able to rise above this challenge, and we can anticipate a future beyond this pandemic, if we plan accordingly. As a prospective buyer, this could also be a good time to get your ducks in a row and be ready t

Five Things to Consider Before Buying a Business

Five Things to Consider Before Buying a Business

There are 28.8 million small businesses in the United States, employing more than 58 million people, according to the Small Business Administration. These small businesses (with less than 500 employees) represent over 99% of the businesses in the United States! Entrepreneurs think that they need to develop their own plan and build it from the ground up. However, you can purchase an existing busin