Is a Recession a Good Time to Buy a Business?

Is a Recession a Good Time to Buy a Business?

The U.S. has been experiencing one of the greatest inflations in its modern history – with incredibly high gas prices, rising food costs, and much more. However, every inflation is later met with an inevitable recession. The question is, is a recession a good time to buy a business? As an entrepreneur, knowing when to invest versus when to wait is key to making a profit. As a business owner,

Buyers Guide: What You Need to Know When Buying a Business

Buyers Guide: What You Need to Know When Buying a Business

An entrepreneur is defined as “a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.” That’s right, taking risks is within the job description. However, a risk does not have to come with fear or even because of a blind decision. A wise entrepreneur equips themselves with a team of experts in the areas where

Does Purchase Price of Business Include Working Capital?

Does Purchase Price of Business Include Working Capital?

The selling and buying of a business in northern San Diego is not as simple as buying a pair of shoes at the store. There is more to it than swiping a credit card or writing a check. A business is composed of multiple elements such as assets, profits, staff, property, equipment, etc. Therefore, when a business is sold, ownership of more than a name and flagship is transferred to a new person. As s

How to Find the Right Business to Buy in San Diego

How to Find the Right Business to Buy in San Diego

Are you in the market for a new business in San Diego but are unsure of where to start? Have no fear. Finding the right business to buy is not as daunting as it may seem. The key to success is understanding what you are looking for, and how to find it. Here are some tips from our experts: Prep Before you can begin your search for a business to buy in San Diego, you need to have a clear under

How and where to market your business in San Diego

How and where to market your business in San Diego

Is your business for sale? If so, you have likely found it is daunting to think about actually running your business and managing your staff, while also negotiating with potential buyers. In fact, maybe you haven’t even reached that point because you haven’t been able to advertise the sale. Experienced business brokers, such as the team at Transworld Business Advisors San Diego North,