Using industry accepted business valuation methods like the income approach, Transworld evaluates your business alongside current market and value factors to determine its fair market value. Transworld brokers know what Colorado buyers want and have the experience to perform a business valuation that will get your company sold.
The fair market value of a company is the price a buyer is willing to pay on the open market for a company or what you can expect the company to sell for. Some of the factors we analyze for your Colorado business valuation are:
Determining the value of your business with a broker price opinion is the first step a business owner can take towards planning their strategic exit. Our Denver, Colorado Business Brokers valuation process is more than just an appraisal of your business; our valuation methods use a multiple of seller's discretionary earnings to develop a valuation of your business that will help it sell. If you’re ready to start the business sale process today, contact us to schedule a consultation with a business broker.
A broker price opinion (BPO) is a business valuation based on comparables, industry & economic indicators, and financial & qualitative factors that are weighted as a multiplier of earnings to identify what a business buyer would willingly pay for the business on an open market.
After having a conversation to discuss your Colorado business and its financials your broker can begin the valuation process. A price opinion typically takes less than a week, and the fee can be applied towards a future business sale. Price opinions for current business sale clients are complimentary. Contact us to get started on your valuation today.
A price opinion is based on a business’s worth on the current market, while an appraisal is often ordered by a lender or under legal circumstances to determine the business’s value based on data and must be completed by a third party.
A business valuation is a representation of the price a business can be sold for on the current market that a buyer would willingly pay.
As a business owner, a business valuation has two main roles:
Transworld’s Business Brokers are experts on the Denver, Colorado market and will provide a small business valuation in line with the market and buyers’ values to help sell your business.