5 Factors that Make Your Business Stand Out When Trying to Sell

5 Factors that Make Your Business Stand Out When Trying to Sell

Your business may be unique to you but because it belongs to an industry and has competitors, it falls under certain well-known categories. In order to stand out during a sale and get the best offer possible, there are 5 factors to consider. These factors will not only set your business apart, but they are also great guidelines to consider as you begin preparing to sell your business. 1.&nbs

The Silver Seller Tsunami: Why 2021 is the Year to Sell

The Silver Seller Tsunami: Why 2021 is the Year to Sell

The Silver Tsunami Impact on Business Sales   Baby Boomers was the namesake given to the large generation of babies born following World War II, between the years of 1946 and 1964. In 2021 this generation is made up of people between the ages of 57 and 75. As the Baby Boomer population grew into adulthood they became known for their wealth, social activity, and physical fitness especially w

How to Value Your Company After COVID - It May Not Be As Difficult As You Think

How to Value Your Company After COVID - It May Not Be As Difficult As You Think

It is officially 2021, and what was quite possibly the most challenging year for your company is behind us. The effects of COVID-19 are still apparent as the pandemic continues to claim lives in high numbers every day. Effective vaccines are giving us hope for significant improvement in the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2021. What does this mean for you or your business? Inevitably, because ma

Considering Selling Your Business? Tips for Keeping Your Potential Sale Confidential

Considering Selling Your Business? Tips for Keeping Your Potential Sale Confidential

When considering selling your business, it is crucial that the potential sale remains confidential. Having employees, customers and vendors learn of a possible sale can have devastating consequences on the business. For instance, customers may leave, employees may seek out other opportunities and the valuation of your business may decrease. These problems may weaken your bargaining position as you

Valuations in Small Companies: Why They're Important & How to Increase the Value of Your Business

Valuations in Small Companies: Why They're Important & How to Increase the Value of Your Business

To sell your small business, there are some very crucial steps to take before the listing. For one, it is very important to understand your business’s value in the marketplace.  Obtaining a valuation allows you to thoroughly understand a business’s financials and their value in the marketplace, and give you an understanding of the price at which you should list your busi

How to Increase the Value of Your Business to Grow it and Sell it

How to Increase the Value of Your Business to Grow it and Sell it

HOW TO INCREASE THE VALUE OF YOUR BUSINESS, GROW IT AND SELL IT.   Every small business owner needs know how to increase the value of your business to grow and sell it.   Check out a recent discussion on the Capital Sage Podcast with Andy Cagnetta President and CEO of Transworld Business Advisors, the world largest business brokerage firm with offices all over the world. Preparing a

Factors to Consider When Transferring Your Business to a Family Member

Factors to Consider When Transferring Your Business to a Family Member

Three Factors to Consider when Transferring Your Business to a Family Member The day will come when you may have to walk away from your business and begin a new chapter of your life. Quite often, businesses are transferred from one family member to another – many times from parent to child. If you have reached that well-deserved retirement, here are factors to consider when transferring you

Planning a Graceful Exit - Leaving a Legacy and closing a chapter

Planning a Graceful Exit - Leaving a Legacy and closing a chapter

You’ve put your heart and soul into your business to get where you are today. You are ready to close the book on this chapter of your life and start something new, be it a new venture or enjoy a well-deserved slower pace.  The first task is deciding what your exit will look like, and then you can make preparations for that transition. For those whose business is just beginning or