Make The Most Out of Your Transworld's Buyer Match Program Profile!

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We add new listings to the marketplace daily and want to make sure you get notified immediately when the right business becomes available. With our Buyer Match program, you receive an email as soon as a new listing that meets your personal business preferences hits the market. At the same time, we want to make sure you get the right number of businesses to review.   Not too many, not to

How to Find the Right Buyer When Selling your Small Business

How to Find the Right Buyer When Selling your Small Business

Finding the right buyer for your business goes beyond getting the highest offer possible. As a seller, you're looking for the most qualified buyer that best aligns with your values. After years of building your business, it’s natural to want a big payoff. But there are other factors, like preserving your legacy or maintaining the integrity of your company, that matter too.   Add value

Thinking of Selling Your Health Care Business or Practice? What You Need to Know in 2022

Thinking of Selling Your Health Care Business or Practice? What You Need to Know in 2022

Health care is an industry that is constantly growing and evolving as new technologies and discoveries change treatments and care. This reality is truer than ever as the world has seen during the recent COVID-19 health care crisis. If you are looking to sell your health care business, the conditions may be better than ever. Why? Well, health care is a fast-growing industry. The demand for health

Pros and Cons of Selling your Business Without a Broker

Pros and Cons of Selling your Business Without a Broker

Are you ready to sell your business, but still on the fence about using a broker? You’re not alone. Many business owners, especially first-time sellers, feel compelled to DIY the process, thinking it will save them time and money. Selling your business can be a long process with many tedious steps. An experienced business brokerage (plus the valuable resources they bring to the table)

Thinking of Selling Your Restaurant? What You Need to Know in 2022

Thinking of Selling Your Restaurant? What You Need to Know in 2022

If you’ve been following the news over the last few years, you know that business sales are up—way up—for certain industries, including restaurants. And if you’re like many restaurant owners, you’ve been thinking about selling your business, too. It’s easy to see why. Record-setting sales (both in terms of speed and profit) in 2021 proved restaurants

Fees and Expenses to Expect When Selling a Business

Fees and Expenses to Expect When Selling a Business

When you sell your business, you expect to make money—not spend it. But as the saying goes, you have to spend money to make money. The question is, how much? The answer isn’t always clear. However, most brokers agree that a certain amount of due diligence is necessary when preparing a business for sale. That means retaining qualified professionals to look over your books, guide you th

Thinking of Selling Your Cleaning Service? What You Need to Know in 2022

Thinking of Selling Your Cleaning Service? What You Need to Know in 2022

Americans started 2021 by cleaning house—literally. The COVID-19 pandemic kick-started worldwide hygiene awareness and majorly boosted demand for cleaning businesses. It wasn’t just about safety—it was about peace of mind. Residential cleaners, maids, janitors, and other sanitation professionals suddenly found themselves booked solid, with no end in sight. Today, in 2022, cleanin

How to Identify Trustworthy Buyers

How to Identify Trustworthy Buyers

For many entrepreneurs, selling a business is about more than money—it’s about passing down a legacy. After years of hard work, it’s only natural to want to see your creation in the hands of someone who shares your passion. However, finding that perfect “someone” can be a challenge. Not everyone that can buy your business should buy your business. As vetera

Thinking of Selling Your Construction Business? What You Need to Know in 2022

Thinking of Selling Your Construction Business? What You Need to Know in 2022

After a bit of a tough turn during the pandemic, the construction industry has come roaring back to life. Demand is growing, with an increase of almost 9% anticipated for 2022 for this industry segment within the U.S. market. While supply chain disruptions and shortages of skilled workers may be continuing to cause hiccups for some, the overall outlook is very positive, particularly in terms of i

How Quickly Can I (or Should I) Sell My Business?

How Quickly Can I (or Should I) Sell My Business?

In a perfect world, every entrepreneur would have ample time to prepare their business for sale. It’s a long, often complex process that demands our full attention—and ideally, assistance from professional brokers. After all, there are many, many factors to consider: Why am I selling? Is the market ideal? Do I have my legal and financial ducks in a row? (And more.) That being sai

Business Trends to Look Out for in 2022

Janurary Blog Header

Thinking of selling your business in 2022? Give yourself an edge—read up on what we learned in 2021. 2021 was a year of unpredictable firsts for business owners and entrepreneurs. Nothing we learned in 2020 could have prepared America for pandemic shutdowns. Many small operations had to quickly pivot, improvise, and adapt to a world that changed overnight. But now, with a swiftly recoverin

5 Factors that Make Your Business Stand Out When Trying to Sell

5 Factors that Make Your Business Stand Out When Trying to Sell

Your business may be unique to you but because it belongs to an industry and has competitors, it falls under certain well-known categories. In order to stand out during a sale and get the best offer possible, there are 5 factors to consider. These factors will not only set your business apart, but they are also great guidelines to consider as you begin preparing to sell your business. 1.&nbs

What Happens to Cash When Selling a Business?

What Happens to Cash When Selling a Business?

Money can be considered a taboo topic of conversation in some circles. As a rule of thumb, you do not speak about salaries, debt, or the cost of your most recent vacation with friends or family, do you? We understand that, but when it comes to selling a business, we need to talk about money, and more specifically, cash. What is cash and how does it affect your business when you are selling it? Wh

Where can I sell my online business?

Where can I sell my online business?

Selling your online business is not so different from selling any other small business. You can do so one of two ways – sell it yourself or sell it with the help of a third-party advisor. In both cases, you can determine a fair value, successfully find a buyer, and go through the negotiation process as you would when selling any business. With time and patience, you can learn how and dedicat

Can I Sell My Closed Business?

Can I Sell My Closed Business?

Here in Metro Atlanta, Georgia the market has experienced one of the most sudden and, for some, catastrophic economic declines in our history. There is no shame in feeling a little bit like you are between a rock and a hard place – having to decide whether to possibly close a business or sell a business. The important fact is, this is not a reflection of you, your work ethic, professionalism

More help for Entertainment Venues Impacted by COVID-19

More help for Entertainment Venues Impacted by COVID-19

SBA To Begin Accepting Shuttered Venue Operators Grant Applications April 8 SBA provide relief with $16.2 billion for venues, theatres, and more Local venues can apply for this SBA grant starting April 8th 2021 at 12pm. Check out this press release for more information... Shutter Venue Grant Press Release     Shuttered Venue Operators Grant (SVOG) application portal   Follo

The Silver Seller Tsunami: Why 2021 is the Year to Sell

The Silver Seller Tsunami: Why 2021 is the Year to Sell

The Silver Tsunami Impact on Business Sales   Baby Boomers was the namesake given to the large generation of babies born following World War II, between the years of 1946 and 1964. In 2021 this generation is made up of people between the ages of 57 and 75. As the Baby Boomer population grew into adulthood they became known for their wealth, social activity, and physical fitness especially w

How to Value Your Company After COVID - It May Not Be As Difficult As You Think

How to Value Your Company After COVID - It May Not Be As Difficult As You Think

It is officially 2021, and what was quite possibly the most challenging year for your company is behind us. The effects of COVID-19 are still apparent as the pandemic continues to claim lives in high numbers every day. Effective vaccines are giving us hope for significant improvement in the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2021. What does this mean for you or your business? Inevitably, because ma

Capitalist Sage Podcast: Working on Your Business and Setting Annual Goals

Capitalist Sage Podcast: Working on Your Business and Setting Annual Goals

The Capitalist Sage Podcast: Working ON Your Business and Setting Annual Goalswith Karl Barham and Rico Figliolini     On this episode of the Capitalist Sage, Karl and Rico are joined by Brian Sulka from Provisus Partners. Sulka is here to share some knowledge about the Entrepreneurs' Operating System (EOS) and help you figure out the role you need to play in your business journey.

Considering Selling Your Business? Tips for Keeping Your Potential Sale Confidential

Considering Selling Your Business? Tips for Keeping Your Potential Sale Confidential

When considering selling your business, it is crucial that the potential sale remains confidential. Having employees, customers and vendors learn of a possible sale can have devastating consequences on the business. For instance, customers may leave, employees may seek out other opportunities and the valuation of your business may decrease. These problems may weaken your bargaining position as you

Valuations in Small Companies: Why They're Important & How to Increase the Value of Your Business

Valuations in Small Companies: Why They're Important & How to Increase the Value of Your Business

To sell your small business, there are some very crucial steps to take before the listing. For one, it is very important to understand your business’s value in the marketplace.  Obtaining a valuation allows you to thoroughly understand a business’s financials and their value in the marketplace, and give you an understanding of the price at which you should list your busi

How to Increase the Value of Your Business to Grow it and Sell it

How to Increase the Value of Your Business to Grow it and Sell it

HOW TO INCREASE THE VALUE OF YOUR BUSINESS, GROW IT AND SELL IT.   Every small business owner needs know how to increase the value of your business to grow and sell it.   Check out a recent discussion on the Capital Sage Podcast with Andy Cagnetta President and CEO of Transworld Business Advisors, the world largest business brokerage firm with offices all over the world. Preparing a

Five Reasons Business Brokers Improve Closing Rates

Five Reasons Business Brokers Improve Closing Rates

Hiring a business broker may seem complicated and an unnecessary expense to someone who is trying to save money and simplify the sale of their business. Why add more to your long list of to-dos when you have enough going on? Well, the thing is, a business broker is so much more than just an extra set of hands. Studies have shown that working with a broker increases your chances of selling your bus

How to Prepare Your Business for a Post-COVID-19 Sale

How to Prepare Your Business for a Post-COVID-19 Sale

Did you think we would still be discussing COVID-19 this summer? Some of you knew we’d be in this for a long time, others may have believed the world would normalize by May. Whichever may be the case for you, this pandemic is still very real within our borders and it is affecting our lives and businesses. You don’t need to put on hold all of your plans. Interestingly enough, business s

A Rise in Small Business Anxieties in 2020

A Rise in Small Business Anxieties in 2020

Small business owners do not have the cushion of IPOs and board members to fall back on. In fact, many of these businesses do not have million-dollar investors knocking on their doors for the latest advancement in tech. Small business owners are everyday people – with common, everyday anxieties. A new year can often feel like a fresh start, but in some cases, it can feel like the beginnings

Pre-Sale Checklist for Selling Your Business

Pre-Sale Checklist for Selling Your Business

2020 is nearly over... finally! Take the rest of this year to be ready for a successful business exit next year! View our Pre-Sale Checklist for Selling Your Business The fourth quarter is always a perfect time to plan for next year. As a small business owner, you might be thinking about selling your business. Whether the reason is early retirement or the desire to invest in a new endeavor, there

Industry Spotlight: Retail Businesses

Industry Spotlight: Retail Businesses

Industry Spotlight: Retail Businesses Optimistic is the word most retail business owners used to describe their outlook for growth when they answered market research company CIT's 2016 Survey of Middle Market Retailers. The survey, conducted by Harris Poll, found that 80% of retail businesses of various sizes say their overall financial condition is healthy or very healthy - a huge increase over

Have you Planned your Exit Strategy?

Have you Planned your Exit Strategy?

SMART BUSINESS OWNERS PLAN THEIR EXIT STRATEGY How can I maximize the value of my business? As a Transworld Business Brokerage, we are asked this question frequently. In this section, we will discuss the steps and strategies that a business owner can employ when preparing to sell a business. The key is preparation – the better prepared your exit strategy is, the higher t

Industry Spotlight: Salons

Industry Spotlight: Salons

Industry Spotlight: Salons Owning a salon is the ideal enterprise for entrepreneurs who enjoy making customers feel great about themselves. Because a significant portion of the consumer population rarely sacrifices spending on personal appearance and grooming even in hard economic times, the salon industry is virtually recession-proof. With fashion at its center, the salon industry further offers

Industry Spotlight: Pizza Salons

Industry Spotlight: Pizza Salons

It may come as no surprise that the pizza industry is fast-growing and extremely popular among consumers. With taste and quality being among the most important qualities when choosing a restaurant, of 68,950 restaurant goers, 47% actually stated that reasonably priced food outranked food quality (30%) and type of cuisine (25%). Studies conducted in the United States showed 18.5 billion of 45.1 bil

Industry Spotlight: Craft Businesses

Industry Spotlight: Craft Businesses

Industry Spotlight: Craft Businesses The craft industry includes goods that are handmade by artisans or those skilled in a particular trade. According to the Craft & Hobby Association, the craft industry includes businesses engaged in the design, creation, distribution, and sales of products. During the recession, when many other retail sectors declined, the craft and hobby industry held steady a

Transworld Business Advisor of Atlanta Peachtree Business COVID-19 BRIDGE Plan

Transworld Business Advisor of Atlanta Peachtree Business COVID-19 BRIDGE Plan

Transworld Business AdvisorsBRIDGE plan The current Covid-19 response and its effects on the economy will no doubt be challenging to everyone. None more than small business and their employees, but we have been here before. Just as we weathered 9/11, hurricanes, and severe economic downturns we can work together to survive this. The good news is that this will be temporary. Although it may be ve

Factors to Consider When Transferring Your Business to a Family Member

Factors to Consider When Transferring Your Business to a Family Member

Three Factors to Consider when Transferring Your Business to a Family Member The day will come when you may have to walk away from your business and begin a new chapter of your life. Quite often, businesses are transferred from one family member to another – many times from parent to child. If you have reached that well-deserved retirement, here are factors to consider when transferring you

Company Exit Strategy: Is Selling Your Business the Right Exit Strategy for You and Your Business?

Company Exit Strategy: Is Selling Your Business the Right Exit Strategy for You and Your Business?

While we hear a lot about starting a business, it is not every day that we hear about leaving a business. There are many reasons why people consider exiting a business; no matter the reason, it is always good to ensure that you meet your business goals and get a fair return on the sale. There are several exit strategies a business owner can choose from when they have decided the time has come

Why Working With a Business Broker to Sell your Business Matters

Why Working With a Business Broker to Sell your Business Matters

Why Working With a Business Broker to Sell your Business Matters Business brokers, also called business transfer agents, or intermediaries, bring many benefits to the table for buyers and sellers as they assist in the process of buying and selling a business. Transworld Business Advisors is a global network of brokers offering a turnkey solution for those that want to build a solid

Market Research: What to Look for When Researching a Business to Buy

Market Research: What to Look for When Researching a Business to Buy

Following trends is not just about hashtags and designer labels. Market research for entrepreneurs and business owners can make all of the difference when on the hunt for the next big purchase. Market research is conducted to get into the psyche of the consumer - what makes someone more or less inclined to purchase your product or service? Once a business owner understands this, it can impro

Leverage the Linkedin Network to Help Sell Your Business

Leverage the Linkedin Network to Help Sell Your Business

Your business's social media presence, particularly on LinkedIn, can make your business more attractive to potential buyers through goodwill and branding. We live in the digital age – the era of the Internet and social media. It is rarer now to find a restaurant without Wi-Fi than ones with it. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that businesses are only encouraged to have a social medi

Business Sales are on the Rise - What to Expect in the New Year

Business Sales are on the Rise - What to Expect in the New Year

2020 Small Business Trends for Investors In order to predict business trends in 2020, one must reflect on the previous year. As we enter into the first months of this new year, let’s take a look at some of the fastest-growing new industries in the United States.  Wind Turbine Installation  Automated Guided Vehicle Manufacturing  Solar Power  Social Networking Platf

Planning a Graceful Exit - Leaving a Legacy and closing a chapter

Planning a Graceful Exit - Leaving a Legacy and closing a chapter

You’ve put your heart and soul into your business to get where you are today. You are ready to close the book on this chapter of your life and start something new, be it a new venture or enjoy a well-deserved slower pace.  The first task is deciding what your exit will look like, and then you can make preparations for that transition. For those whose business is just beginning or