How to Find the Right Buyer When Selling Your Small Business

 How to Find the Right Buyer When Selling Your Small Business

Finding the right buyer for your business goes beyond getting the highest offer possible. As a seller in Atlanta North, you're looking for the most qualified buyer that best aligns with your values. After years of building your business, it’s natural to want a big payoff. But there are other factors, like preserving your legacy or maintaining the integrity of your company, that matter too.

3 Questions You Should Ask Before Hiring a Business Sale Broker

3 Questions You Should Ask Before Hiring a Business Sale Broker

If you decided to sell your business in Atlanta North, you now have two options: Do-It-Yourself or work with a business broker. In today’s climate, it takes a lot more than just sticking a for-sale sign in your window. The truth is, as a business owner, your time is better spent running your company; not dealing with prospects or negotiating deals. Hiring a broker may be your ideal option

How to Sell your Business in Atlanta North in 2021

How to Sell your Business in Atlanta North in 2021

Over the past year, many owners have been working hard to keep their businesses afloat. At times, having to reinvent or resize their company to stay competitive amidst the pandemic.   Now, as things are turning around, you may be asking yourself, Should I sell my business?   As valuations continue to go up, and buyers remain eager to spend their money, it’s prompting to be a

Transactional Services: Help Selling a Business to an Internal Party

Transactional Services: Help Selling a Business to an Internal Party

Already have the perfect buyer for your business? If you need help selling a business in Atlanta to an employee, family member, or friend, Transworld Business Advisors can still assist you in the transaction. Having an impartial, business intermediary on your team can be an invaluable way to put our negotiation expertise to work for you and lessen the tension that may arise between

Atlanta Business Broker Business Sale Checklist

Atlanta Business Broker  Business Sale Checklist

February 25, 2020 by Jon Roman When Selling your Atlanta Business you should there are several critical items you need to have ready to go to expedite the process and mitigate any problems. As an Atlanta  Business Owner when you think about selling your business these are just a few of the items you need to have ready to go before you sell your business. Atlanta Business Broker

Selling Your Business,Taxes & Tax Structures

Selling Your Business,Taxes & Tax Structures

It's already tax time but it is never too early to start thinking about what tax structure you should use when it comes time to sell your business.  A simple, but undeniable, rule of life is that taxes matter and they can’t be overlooked.  Author Tim Fries at The Tokenist has written an excellent and quite detailed overview article on what tax issues business owners need to conside

What is a BPO and Why Do You Need One?

What is a BPO and Why Do You Need One?

What is a BPO and Why Do You Need One?   What is a BPO and Why Do You Need One? What is a broker price opinion? Simply put a broker price opinion provides a business owner with a value for their small business based on market variables, comparable sales data, and industry expertise that a buyer would willingly pay for the business on the open market. Some of the factors

Your Business Valuation is Too High! A Guide to What Your Business is Worth

Your Business Valuation is Too High! A Guide to What Your Business is Worth

The number one question I’m asked, is what is my business worth? It’s a question every business owner has on their mind. Maybe it is because they want to sell, maybe they are just curious. And it should be a simple answer, but unfortunately, it’s not. First, we should start with the fact that businesses are valued in different ways, for different reasons. For the purpo

How to Sell Your Business to a Competitor

How to Sell Your Business to a Competitor

Whether you are looking to retire or pursue business opportunities in a different industry, you may have reached the important decision to sell your business. However, it is very possible that the highest bidder and best buyer is a competitor. When this is the case, Transworld Business Advisors has a few tips for best practices. 1. Ask for a Non-Disclosure Agreement During a sale, a competitor c

Advertise My Business for Sale: How and Where to Market Your Business

Advertise My Business for Sale: How and Where to Market Your Business

Need to advertise that your business is for sale? Even the most successful business owners often lack the experience and time to advertise that their business is for sale while running day-to-day business operations. Fortunately, working with a business broker can help you target and reach potential buyers for your firm while keeping the potential sale of your company confidential. Additionall

Don't Try to Sell a Business on Your Own: Why You Shouldn't Go It Alone if You Want to Maximize Value

Don't Try to Sell a Business on Your Own: Why You Shouldn't Go It Alone if You Want to Maximize Value

When it's time to sell a business, some business owners might go it alone in an attempt to save the money needed for professional assistance. But selling a business alone can lead to many potential roadblocks: business owners can be distracted from their business, unable to find qualified buyers, and have trouble with proper valuation. For these reasons and more, business owners should avoid selli

Packaging the Sale of Your Business: Making Your Company Marketable in a Crowded Field

Packaging the Sale of Your Business: Making Your Company Marketable in a Crowded Field

When you are packaging your business for sale, the uniqueness of your business makes it more attractive to acquirers. Having unique factors such as a defined brand identity, along with practical qualities. like a dedicated customer base, is hugely beneficial to prospective buyers. Here are some examples of features that make a business stand out from the rest: Brand name A good name can attract cu

Business Brokers: How to Choose the Right Business Brokerage Firm

Business Brokers: How to Choose the Right Business Brokerage Firm

Buying or selling a business can be a stressful time. Choosing an adviser to help you through the critical steps in the process is key to a successful transaction. From research to close, it is important to understand what your business broker will do for you, know the costs associated with hiring a broker, and conduct a careful evaluation of their track record and success. What Your Business Br

Confidentiality Hacks: How to keep your business sale a secret

Confidentiality Hacks: How to keep your business sale a secret

[caption id="attachment_831" align="alignnone" width="992"] Confidentiality Hacks[/caption]A large part of the value of any business is linked with its reputation. However, when an enterprise is put on the market, its good name can be one of the hardest things to protect as the sale process evolves. Rumors may begin to circulate once employees, customers, and suppliers notice a sudden interest fro

Top 5 Myths About Selling a Business

Top 5 Myths About Selling a Business

We've debunked the misunderstandings that leave so many sellers woefully unprepared when they put their business on the market.[/caption] When you've never done it before, selling a business can seem a daunting prospect. Though it's not like selling property or an automobile, one principle nevertheless remains the same: if you want a good selling experience, you must take time to understand what

Selling Your Business: Determining if a Buyer is a Qualified One

Selling Your Business: Determining if a Buyer is a Qualified One

If you own a successful business, chances are good that you will have significant interest from a number of buyers when you decide it is time to sell. While this is very encouraging and exciting, it is important to understand that only a fraction of these potential buyers might actually be qualified to buy your business. It is also important to consider how much information you share about your b

How Much is My Business Worth? Understanding the Different Standards for Valuating Your Business

How Much is My Business Worth? Understanding the Different Standards for Valuating Your Business

Knowing what your business is worth is key to selling it at a profit. Your business valuation is also likely to be the first concern of potential buyers. So how do you properly determine the value of your business? The answer can be complex and somewhat confusing because business valuation is an art, not a science. Valuations are subject to the appraiser's judgment, skill, and quality of methodo

Is It the Right Time to Sell Your Business? Determining When It's the Right Time to Sell

Is It the Right Time to Sell Your Business? Determining When It's the Right Time to Sell

Determining what is the right time to sell a business can be an emotional process. Investors, employees and relatives who have all contributed to sustaining the business or are depending on the business for their livelihoods can elevate tension when making the final decision to sell. Since 44% of recent buyers look online first to buy, having professional guidance from a business advisor that can

How to Determine the Right Time to Sell Your Business

How to Determine the Right Time to Sell Your Business

  As it is with many things in life, timing is everything — especially when determining the right time to sell your business. Transworld presents the following list of questions that will you help determine if you should sell your business. Consider them carefully and answer them honestly: Am I ready to sell? Do I feel more exhaustion or passion when running the business? Could sel

Competitive Advantage: Using Your Company's Unique Attributes for Selling

Competitive Advantage: Using Your Company's Unique Attributes for Selling

There are certain intangible assets that have no monetary value if you try to sell them by themselves, but their worth is essential to the market value of a business. In fact, it is assets like these that give your business a competitive advantage over others in your industry. What makes your business different, unique, and special? These are all questions to consider when deciding to sell your

The Right Business Broker For You: A Checklist

The Right Business Broker For You: A Checklist

Choosing to sell your business is a big decision but it does not end there. In order to market the sale, find the right buyer and close with ease, you will want to make sure you have done everything possible to expedite the process. With so many important elements to consider, choosing the right business broker is arguably the next most important decision you will make. But how do you know which

Selling Your Business: Knowing Your Confidentiality Agreement

Selling Your Business: Knowing Your Confidentiality Agreement

When you are negotiating the sale of your business, you do not want anyone other than the buyer to know the details of the deal. In order to avoid information leaking out, it is vital to ensure business sale confidentiality. According to Andrew Cagnetta, CEO of Transworld, “Seller AND buyers want to keep a sale confidential to make sure customers, vendors and employees do not know prior to

The Top 5 Reasons People Sell Their Business

The Top 5 Reasons People Sell Their Business

The fundamental reason a business owner makes the decision to sell a business may not necessarily be for financial reasons, but to free up resources, focus on other priorities or make time for other opportunities.   In this article, we review why owners might decide to sell a business, along with some steps to consider when preparing for the sale. 1. Retirement After years of investing t

When and How to Tell Your Employees and Clients You're Selling Your Business

When and How to Tell Your Employees and Clients You're Selling Your Business

The decision to sell your business is a big one; it is an important decision likely to affect the lives of many.  As a result, it is crucial to keep the sale and all negotiations for the sale of your company as confidential as possible. Likely to affect your clients, employees, vendors, and competitors, it is best to ensure any positive, or potentially negative, reactions do not affect the

Why You Shouldn't Sell Your Own Business

Why You Shouldn't Sell Your Own Business

As a successful business owner, you have likely spent years developing the skills and expertise to run your company well. Therefore, when the time comes to sell your business, it’s easy to understand why it is best to work with professionals who have spent years perfecting their expertise in selling successful businesses like yours. Rely on the Experts Business owners who try to sell th

Buying a Franchise Resale: What You Need to Know

Buying a Franchise Resale: What You Need to Know

New year, new you? Resolutions, set. Vision board, done. If your new year’s goals have you wanting to be your own boss, you may be torn between starting your own business or investing in a startup. But setting up a business from scratch and starting with a new concept or idea can involve significant risks. Instead, you may want to consider purchasing an existing franchise resale; this can

Selling Your Business Through Your Strengths

Selling Your Business Through Your Strengths

The truth is, no two businesses are alike. Promoting your unique strengths makes your business more valuable and easier to sell? Identifying and maximizing the strengths of your business will not only help run you run profitable company today, but will be part of a targeted marketing strategy should you ever decide to sell your business. There's more than one way to sell a business. As a business

Why Working With a Business Broker to Sell your Business Matters

Why Working With a Business Broker to Sell your Business Matters

Business brokers, also called business transfer agents, or intermediaries, bring many benefits to the table for buyers and sellers as they assist in the process of buying and selling a business. Transworld Business Advisors is a global network of brokers offering a turnkey solution for those that want to build a solid business and future for themselves while maintaining a balanced quality of life

Selling a Business? How to Avoid Unwanted Delays

Selling a Business? How to Avoid Unwanted Delays

It's not unusual for buying or selling a business to feel like an intimidating task. Business owners are often fully focused on business operations and may not have addressed details to maximize the business value. On the other hand, a buyer may be interested in owning a business, but not know where to start. The process can be time-consuming and tedious for both the buyer and the seller. However

5 Signs itâ??s Time to Sell Your Business

5 Signs itâ??s Time to Sell Your Business

Your business may have been your dream come true. You had a good run, but now you feel more anxious than happy every time you think about it. This might mean it is time to sell your business. The decision to sell will not come easily –– and that is understandable. It is important to accept that selling your business is not a sign of failure, but rather comprehension of your current s

Why You Should Buy an Existing Business versus Starting One from Scratch

Why You Should Buy an Existing Business versus Starting One from Scratch

If you're looking to purchase a business, you should give serious consideration to purchasing an existing business versus starting your own from scratch. When most people think of starting a business, they think of beginning from scratch and developing an idea to build a company from the ground up. However, starting a business from scratch presents many challenges and some distinct disadvantages

5 Steps to Selling Your Business

5 Steps to Selling Your Business

Selling a business is rarely an easy decision to make and there can be a great deal of complexities involved in the process. Most importantly, before finding a qualified broker to proceed with the transaction, you'll need to take several important preliminary steps to prepare yourself and your business. Timing is Everything Selling requires careful planning and Transworld is here to help. We wi