Market Research: What to Look for When Researching a Business to Buy

Market Research: What to Look for When Researching a Business to Buy

Following trends is not just about hashtags and designer labels. Market research for entrepreneurs and business owners can make all of the difference when on the hunt for the next big purchase. Market research is conducted to get into the psyche of the consumer - what makes someone more or less inclined to purchase your product or service? Once a business owner understands this, it can improve it

5 Best Industries to Buy a Business Right Now

5 Best Industries to Buy a Business Right Now

Not all industries are created equal and not all industries are worth investing in. As the job market improves and unemployment rates drop - to 3.6% , to be exact, your next business investment may just be around the corner. You may have your specific interests, your niches, and your curiosities; however, some of those may be more valuable in today’s market than others. If you are buying a b

How to Sell Your Business to a Competitor

How to Sell Your Business to a Competitor

Whether you are looking to retire or pursue business opportunities in a different industry, you may have reached the important decision to sell your business. However, it is very possible that the highest bidder and best buyer is a competitor. When this is the case, Transworld Business Advisors has a few tips for best practices. 1. Ask for a Non-Disclosure Agreement During a sale, a competitor c

10 Reasons Why You Should Ditch the 9-5 and Buy â?? Rather Than Start â?? a Business

10 Reasons Why You Should Ditch the 9-5 and Buy â?? Rather Than Start â?? a Business

From a recognized brand to a proven trading history, find out why an established enterprise is a safer, less stressful route to entrepreneurial success. Is it better to start your own business or buy an existing one? The smart solution is arguably to purchase a proven enterprise and make it your own over time. Here are 10 reasons why doing so it's generally less risky, less stressful and more lik

Businesses for Sale: How to Find and Buy a Business

Businesses for Sale: How to Find and Buy a Business

There are many search tools available on the web to locate potential businesses for sale. These listings provide a snap shot of the opportunity for the prospective buyer.� Working with a business broker helps potential buyers to not just find an opportunity but also evaluate the right opportunity. Beyond the business listing, here are some core things to look for when evaluating the right bu

Business Buyer Personas: Exploring the Different Types of Potential Buyers for Your Business

Business Buyer Personas: Exploring the Different Types of Potential Buyers for Your Business

There are many reasons why people seek to buy businesses. In this article, we outline the three main types of buyers that prospective sellers are likely to encounter: Individual Buyers, Strategic Buyers and Financial Buyers. Since each of these buyer types comes with their own unique interests and behaviors, understanding their personas and motives can help you maximize the value of your business

Who is Today's Business Buyer?

Who is Today's Business Buyer?

American buying trends reveal a lot about who we are and what's happening in the country. Not only is it important to understand the trends but also the people that are driving the trends. Just as American demographics are changing, so is today's business buyer. Transworld brokers consistently keep their finger on the pulse of today's business market to help our clients become better positioned w

Are You Ready to Buy a Business?

Are You Ready to Buy a Business?

Once you have made the important decision to take control of your financial future by buying a business, you are bound to have questions about the purchasing process. Although the process of buying a business can be a bit confusing, answering five key questions even before you start your "Buying a Business Checklist" can help you simplify some issues and make the best choices. Am I ready to

Confidentiality Hacks: How to keep your business sale a secret

Confidentiality Hacks: How to keep your business sale a secret

[caption id="attachment_831" align="alignnone" width="992"] Confidentiality Hacks[/caption]A large part of the value of any business is linked with its reputation. However, when an enterprise is put on the market, its good name can be one of the hardest things to protect as the sale process evolves. Rumors may begin to circulate once employees, customers, and suppliers notice a sudden interest fro

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying a Business

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying a Business

Once you have made the important decision to take control of your financial future by buying a business, you are bound to have questions about the purchasing process. Although the process of buying a business can be a bit confusing, answering five key questions even before you start your ""Buying a Business Checklist"" can help you simplify some issues and make the best choices. How do I dec

Steps for Buying a Business

Steps for Buying a Business

Buying an existing business is often less risky than starting from scratch. The main reason being that the business has already established a customer base, a marketing strategy, employees and cash flow. That being said, the idea of buying a business may seem daunting. Do not let that stop you! There are some clear, and easy steps to follow that can bring you some ease and peace of mind. To be t

You've Bought a Business, Now What?

You've Bought a Business, Now What?

Starting your own business can be risky and take years before turning a profit. Generally speaking, buying a business that is already successful, established and profitable at a reasonable price has its advantages. On top of immediate cash flow and avoiding the difficult start-up work, buying a business means you are also buying the existing clients, employees and vendors and have pre-existing g

Buying a Business: Advice to Guarantee a Smooth Purchase

Buying a Business: Advice to Guarantee a Smooth Purchase

When you think you have found the right business to buy, the process will begin to get interesting as the excitement kicks in. Because this process can vary slightly for each purchase, it is important to be organized and methodical. You will want to thoroughly investigate all aspects of a business for sale and make certain that the owner’s representations to you about the business ar

Profitable Industries for Small Business Owners

Profitable Industries for Small Business Owners

Any good endeavor starts with a good idea — and the same is true for small businesses. While profit isn't the only factor for a small business owner to consider, it's an important place to start. Other factors to consider include whether the business matches your interests and skills, and what sort of barriers to entry are required such as licensing or training. If this sounds like a lot t

Crucial Mistakes To Avoid When Buying A Business

Crucial Mistakes To Avoid When Buying A Business

Many people dream about one day owning and running their own business. The lure of being your own boss or the captain of your own destiny sounds great, doesn’t it? Truth be told, it absolutely can be. While some entrepreneurs look to start their own businesses from the ground up, many potential business buyers are looking for a more turn-key solution to starting their own companies. One of t