Listing Number: 0873-797004
Awarded #1 out of 15 top national brands in its category. Experienced 100% growth in 2022 and projected 70% growth for 2023 ($5.6M in gross sales). The business includes 4 retail stores in high-profile Colorado locations, along with a wholesale grocery line with national distribution in place. Business can be sold in two parts, Grocery vs. Retail, or sold as one in its entirety.
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Listing Details
- Price: $5,000,000
- Down Payment: --
- Sellers Discretionary Earnings: $424,859
- Total Sales: $4,993,000
- Location: Boulder County, Colorado
- Inventory: $0
- FF&E: $1,000,000
- Employees: 6
- Year Established: 2012
- Reason for Selling: Other Opportunities
- Category: Distribution
Contact Agent:
- Jeff Spears
- Phone: (720) 806-5091
- Email: