Listing Number: 0873-682986
Owner absentee, unbranded gas station plus auto repair shop available serving Otero County. ~500k gallons / year. ~$50k auto repair sales / month. VERY large piece of real estate and building with significant room for renovation or development - add a c-store and double your passive income. Tenured, well-respected staff and high quality service provided.
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Listing Details
- Price: $1,350,000
- Down Payment: $300,000
- Sellers Discretionary Earnings: $112,255
- Total Sales: $2,550,155
- Location: Otero County, Colorado
- Inventory: $36,000
- FF&E: $576,000
- Employees: 9
- Year Established: 1985
- Reason for Selling: Other Opportunities
- Category: Gas Station
Contact Agent:
- Jeff Spears
- Phone: (720) 806-5091
- Email: